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From Saturday, March 13 5pm to Sunday, March 14 5pm CET, participate to KYBC (Know Your Bounty Challenge), our 24-hour CTF to win YARA Kaspersky “Hunt APTs with YARA like a GReAT Ninja” trainings, Hack The Box & Pentester Lab Pro licenses, and many other gifts.

This CTF started from a will to promote the place of women in cybersecurity by encouraging them to participate in this type of hacking events. The CTF is mixed and open to everyone, with a limit of 200 participants.
Why this collaboration between Yogosha, Kaspersky & Cefcys ?
Because Yogosha is an inclusive platform. Bug bounty had, has and will have a huge impact in the future as cybersecurity issues are growing around the world… and Yogosha feels its responsibility as a platform about it.
“Today, it is essential for businesses to know how to promote gender equality in the workspace. The opposite is not only retrograde, it is counterproductive,” said Dr. Fanny Forgeau, Yogosha’s Managing Director at WomenCyberDay.
Because CEFCYS (French Circle of Women in Cybersecurity) wants more girls in Infosec (currently they are 11% of cybersecurity workers[1] Because CEFCYS is composed by men and women who are passionate about cybersecurity and want a mixed space.
“We need more people working in infosec for the years to come, and women are the 50% of people”, claimed Nacira Salvan, founder of CEFCYS
Because Kaspersky, as a cybersecurity company, is committed to act for a more secure, a more mixed and a more inclusive digital future. Through studies, tangible actions, partnerships as well as an inclusive HR policy, Kaspersky acts for tomorrow’s cybersecurity not being about gender, but about passion.
“The priority is to make sure young people are trained for tomorrow’s jobs. It seems critical to begin with fighting the stereotypes that surround our professions, our industry so they seem more accessible for all. Social determinisms should not dominate anymore and the ability to discover new working areas should be offered to every one of us” explains Bertrand Trastour, General Manager of Kaspersky France.
Because this is not pinkwashing. It’s not like « we love girls in infosec » it’s like « we need more girls in infosec ».
Because it’s not about “ keep men out ”, it’s more like “ men are not against more girls in infosec… so just hunt together ”. Our challenge (as organizers) is to manage to get the 50% of hunters as girls because we choose individual challenges regarding the covid situation. Next year, we hope the CTF will be on-site with mixed teams !
Because… it’s time to act ! Like Hitcon Girls in Taiwan, Blackhoodie, Las Pibas de infosec and Not Pink Con in Argentina etc. We believe we need to find ways to get more girls in infosec and we thank them to open this way !
What can I win?
YARA Kaspersky « Hunt APTs with YARA like a GReAT Ninja », Hack The Box Pro , Pentester Lab Pro… and more to come !
We hope you join us ! 🙂
Main rules :
What & Where ? Individuals challenges on Yogosha’s platform. You will receive by email before the CTF the credentials to access the platform.
When ? From Saturday 13th of march to Sunday 14th CET.
Who ? The subscription is free for anyone who wants to participate, and the CTF will be in English. The CTF is limited to 200 hunters, in case we are victims of our own success we will select. And if you aren’t chosen… be sure that we keep your contact for the next CTF we will organize 😉
Other rules :
Flags: Flags sharing and trading is not allowed.
Tasks : You are allowed to use any tool to solve a challenge. Denial of service/servers is prohibited.
Bugs: Finding bugs in infrastructure can bring more points, but do not scan please !
Flag location: If the challenge requires reading flag from server, most of the time FLAG locations will be : /flag or user directory