Company News La fintech Paymob s’associe à Yogosha pour son bug bounty Paymob s’allie à Yogosha et devient la première Fintech égyptienne à se doter d’un programme…Yogosha17/06/2022
Company News Yogosha franchit le cap des 10.000 rapports de vulnérabilités Plus de 10.000 rapports de vulnérabilités ont été soumis via notre plateforme. Un petit pas…Yogosha17/05/2022
Company News Yogosha introduit la cybersécurité crowdsourcée en Egypte Yogosha s’associe à Buguard pour promouvoir sa plateforme de cybersécurité collaborative en Egypte, ouvrant ainsi…Yogosha18/04/2022
Interviews Hunter Talks: meet Borja Borja is a valued member of the Yogosha Strike Force. He shared some words with…Yogosha04/08/2021
Yogosha, le Cefcys & Kaspersky organisent un CTF de 24h le 13/03/21 Du samedi 13 mars 17h au dimanche 14 mars 17h CET, participez à notre CTF…Yogosha20/07/2021
Interviews Hunter Talks: meet MPGN MPGN is a valued member of the Yogosha Strike Force. He shared some words with…Yogosha04/05/2021
Interviews Hunter Talks: rencontre avec Victor Poucheret Salut Victor ! Tu as rejoint la communauté Yogosha au dernier CTF, et il paraît…Yogosha04/04/2021
Interviews Hunter Talks: meet Intruderx Intruderx is a valued member of the Yogosha Strike Force. He shared some words with…Yogosha04/04/2021
Interviews Hunter Talks: meet Yann Cam Yann Cam is a valued member of the Yogosha Strike Force. He shared a few…Yogosha04/03/2021
Interviews Hunter Talks: meet Chamli, our CTF Master Hello! Tell us a bit about yourself and how you started hacking? I learned hacking…Yogosha04/03/2021